Manage Users and Organization Settings Manage Users and Organization Settings

Manage Users and Organization Settings

Manage users and organization settings

To manage collaborators and customize the display name of your organization, click Organization Settings page from the profile menu.


The Organization Settings Page 


Organization Details:

Update your organization's display name. You can also add a logo.


When you add an organization name, your Chariot page will go from this:


To this:


Authorized Users 

Add new collaborators to your account.

When you add someone, you can keep track and manage users.

Whitelisting Details

All HTTP traffic generated by Chariot will include a header similar to the one listed here. 


Delete Account

You can delete your account in the Organization Settings page:

If you encounter any issues, or need help setting up organizational settings, please reach out to

You can set up Okta or Azure SSO to further enable organizational integration.