New Features

Dropdowns now include explanatory texts for counts. On the Assets and Risks pages, the filter dropdowns let users know that the counts are total known items.

The Jira integration now has a minimum severity configuration option. Whether Chariot needs to populate Jira with all Risks, only critical Risks, or anything in between, customers have the option at at their fingertips.

Refetch intervals have been added to ensure alert counts are consistently up-to-date. Pulling and sending the most current information keeps you safe, now.


The "Copy All" feature in the proof of exploit now smartly copies only the contents of the current tab.

Export functionality has been refined for more efficient data flattening and parsing.

Timeouts for long-running capabilities have been extended to ensure processes complete without interruption.

Comprehensive Coverage in Scanning—Full port scanning has been expanded to include all assets, enhancing network security visibility. The way we now manage these jobs increase capability and decrease time. 

Assets that users specifically provide are now managed without TTL, ensuring they remain active as needed.

Bug Fixes

Pagination now seamlessly handles multiple filters without disrupting user workflow.

Issues with corruption in binary files viewed in-platform have been resolved.

Attribute parsing and filtering have been enhanced for greater accuracy.

Table headers now adjust smoothly on smaller screens for better readability.


For the AWS integration, Chariot has reduced it's required permissions and eliminated ReadOnlyAccess, which increases customer privacy.