Vulnerabilities Page Overview

Welcome to the vulnerabilities page - your central hub for tracking and managing security risks across your assets. This page provides a comprehensive view of discovered vulnerabilities and their current status.

At the heart of the page is an interactive table displaying all identified vulnerabilities. Each entry provides essential information including severity (ranging from info to critical), current status (open, remediated, accepted, or deleted), the specific vulnerability name, affected asset, and the most recent confirmation date. For our managed service customers, you can rest assured that each listed vulnerability has undergone thorough review by our expert engineers.

The table offers flexible filtering options to help you focus on what matters most. You can filter vulnerabilities by severity level, status, or both. When analyzing your security posture, you can select multiple severity levels to get aggregate counts of vulnerabilities matching your criteria.

Diving deeper into individual vulnerabilities is just a click away.

Each entry expands to reveal detailed information across several tabs:

Overview Tab

This is your starting point for understanding the vulnerability. Here you'll find fundamental information about the risk, its potential impact on your systems, and guidance for remediation.

Assets Impacted Tab

Get visibility into the scope of the vulnerability. This tab is particularly useful for domain-level risks where multiple IP addresses might be affected.

Evidence Tab

Access technical data supporting the vulnerability finding. The below fields offer rich information about the vulnerability. Each vulnerability shows only the fields pertinent to its specific type and discovery method, so some sections may appear blank when they don't apply to that particular finding.

History Tab

Track the lifecycle of the vulnerability through a chronological log of actions. See status changes, who made them, and when they occurred. 

Notes Tab

Collaborate with your team by adding and viewing notes. Each note entry includes the author and timestamp for clear communication history.

Need help or have questions? Our support team is ready to assist at We're here to help you make the most of these vulnerability management capabilities.